10 August 2009

::: Shark Conservation | Gamini s Greener Globe :::

The demise of the shark populations is a global issue that needs our immediate attention and action. Support for shark protection is difficult to achieve because of the persistent irrational fear of sharks. A change in attitude, perception, media coverage, and improved conservation legislation and fishing policies are desperately needed.
The general misconception is that there are still plenty of sharks. It is rare to find sympathy for an animal that most people are terrified of. Sharks have a bad reputation that is undeserved and incorrect. This makes it possible for the slaughter of sharks by the millions to continue, when it should cause a global outrage. The demand for Shark Fin Soup which is considered a delicacy in Asian countries, is wiping out shark populations around the world.
More research is needed to find out important information about the biology of individual shark species, and how the current fishing practices will affect their populations. One thing is clear, because sharks are slow to mature and reproduce in very low numbers, the populations will hit a point of no return much faster than any other fish species that are hunted extensively. In other words, many shark species are already nearing a point of E X T I N C T I O N that will be difficult to stop and reverse.
Every healthy ecosystem needs predators. And sharks are one of the most important links in the ocean ecosystem. Sharks keep our oceans healthy and clean. Without sharks the oceans would be a cesspool of the sick, dying and dead. Fisheries would collapse. The balance would be disturbed to a point of no return. The extinction of sharks would impact the environment and economy on a global scale. When we recognize that we have to respect and protect sharks, we are also taking one step towards saving the oceans .. !
Nothing is as effective as a personal experience with sharks, but narrating the true nature of these graceful animals by the next generation of marine biologists and shark researchers will come from the passion that is sparked by personal experiences in the ocean, will obviously change the negative perception of sharks ..
Observing sharks in the wild is inspirational and moves people at a deeper level. Whale Watching has already shown that as a successful example. Perhaps someday why not Shark Watching ..

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